Poé Tahiti is managed by Cécile BERIAUD domiciled at 189, chemin d'Ossée - 38510 Sermérieu.


Contact :


e-mail: poetahiti@laposte.net


Commercial Registration Number (RCS): 834419418

Registration Number for the Directory of Trades (RM): 834419418RM38

VAT not applicable according to article 293 B of the General Tax Code (CGI)

Poé Tahiti is a French brand registered with the INPI.

Responsible for publication: Cécile BERIAUD

Website hosted by Infomaniak. (Business name: Infomaniak Network AG) - Swiss Post Box: 106407, 33, Quai du Montblanc, 1201 Geneva - Tel: +41 22 820 35 44